Language evolving does not imply deceit. You play a game of telephone with 20 people in a line and at the end of the line you'll get a different phrase than the one you started with.
Now, play the game of telephone across several languages for thousands of years with different authors and you've got problems.
I'm trying to read Spanish from the time of the conquista, and I can read Spanish (more or less) and I have no idea what they are talking about. And then you pick up an English newspaper from the 19th century and you're comprehension is like 50%.
The Bible is like KJV - I don't get it. So let's go back to greek, ok I get it, oh, oops, I didn't really get it because it wasn't Aramaic - ok got it now. Oh, not really, it was based on a Hebrew expression from the days of Moses.
It never ends, but that's true of language in general. Put "I got fired" or "she was caught red handed" into google translate and send it to your Japanese friend and theyll think you were in a fire and hand got burned.
Youre going for low hanging fruit.