Thats very interesting. I am what you would probably call a nazi. I never felt any entitlement and I did not believe there were white people who did. We had to chop wood and light it on fire to take a bath. Then we had to re-use the old water . . . for far too many things.
If we wet the bed we had to wear it. Yeah, we had to use the bathroom in our pants for a day and werent allowed to change them. That is actually part of biker/white culture as I later found out. We even had one Hells Angel at our house. I don’t know what he did, but he wasn’t allowed to change pants for 3 or 4 days, so his wife kicked him out.
I am 50 years old and the last doctor I went to was my pediatrician. I bought my antibiotics wherever I could get them and self-diagnose. I have many chronic health issues, but I went to the emergency room once and the bill was $25k, so goodluck with that.
I was terrified of police until I was 40. Even helping an old man change a tire on the side of the road at midnight the cop told me if he drove by again he would take me to jail, and I ended up going to jail many times. But only about half the time I was charged. The other half were just to give me hell.
Driving home from a swing shift at 2am is ripe for police. So I always got the same ticket from the same cops. 26 in a 25. I was always in uniform with name badge, but they had to justify pulling me over so they just gave me that.
When I was one ticket away from losing my license, I started taking the bus to work and walking home two miles so that I would not lose it.
Now those cops in Palo Alto. They used to stand on the sidewalk so you would have to walk around them in the street. Then they would ticket you for doing just that. It was good sport for them, because they knew you would escalate because they were soooo wrong.
They even have old growth there. Trees so wide that there is no sidewalk and you have to walk in the street, so you do. Then they speed over and cite you from their binoculars on the next block. Looking back, it is comic. One guy took them to court, the judge told him “the officer was concerned for your safety”.
Although me and you are on opposite sides, police reform is long overdue.
I cannot afford to be a victim because it takes away my power. Even at 30 I was picking up dog shit in rich folks backyards in San Francisco. That’s what you get when you drop out at 15.
I never had any compassion for myself, and I never had any compassion for any American of any color. Because although I am white I grew up in Latin America. Legless bitches pulling themselves by the palms of their hands while laying on a skateboard selling gum. Amputations for diabetes because they couldn’t pay the 20 bucks to get their medication.
I am thankful to America for the manageable austerity. I’m thankful for YouTube and all those make money online videos. I’m most thankful to speak native English, that’s literally all it takes to make it. You can write an article like the one this lady wrote and have it be seen by many people.
I’m thankful that in the past ten years I’ve never seen a client and they’ve never seen me. No one knows what race I am. What color was the person who last sold you goodies on Amazon? You don’t know. That is the new economy, thank you America for letting me drop out of school at 15, learn discipline in jail, force me to make healthy decisions, abandon my ego by cleaning up dog shit for hotties sitting at the pool that would never look twice at scum like me.
It was a long road, but I’m now on my way to Cancun, where I will be shopping for my sailboat to buzz around the caribe for a couple years.
Eva Peron said she had just enough disadvantages to succeed. I believe I have as well. I think you have not had enough, and when I saw the white kid at the protest refer to another guy as “my barista” I knew that despite our skin color, we are from different worlds.